Offshore Fishing

Listed below are the top species we are catching offshore.  These are just the species you are most likely to encounter on your charter. There are many, many other species that could be caught such as, wahoo, almaco jacks, porgies, tunas, and other random reef fish not listed below. 

Red Snapper

Red snappers are strong, violent creatures that gather in massive schools. They are delicious and plentiful to catch. Red Snapper averages 5-15 pounds and can easily obtain weights surpassing 30 pounds. 

Closed until September 
Opens June 1st-July 31st

Vermillion Snapper  (Mingo)

Vermillions snapper is one of the best-eating fish in the Gulf of Mexico. They range in size from 1-5 pounds. They are fun to catch on light tackle and are generally steady action all day. Each angler will be allowed to keep 10 vermillion snapper. We always aim for a vermillion snapper limit. At the end of the trip, the crew will divide the vermillions up equally.  

Catch & Keep Open Season. 10/per-person

Gray Trigger Fish

Like Vermillion Snapper triggerfish rank at the top of the list for table fare. They fight hard and are very plentiful to catch. 


Gray Snapper

Mangrove snapper (Black Snapper)

Mangrove Snapper is delicious and incredibly strong. They dart for cover as soon as they are hooked. They grow much larger than vermillion snapper yet not as large as red snapper.
Catch & Keep 5/per person OPEN

King Mackerel 

Kings are smokers, they peel line off the reels like no other. They are lightening fast and aggressive feeders. They can obtain weights of over 70 pounds. They rank lower on the food chart and are are better suited for the grill or smoker. 

Catch & Keep 3/ per person OPEN

Scamp Grouper

Scamp grouper rank as high as a fish can get on the food chart. They are a delicious deep water species that's been finding their way closer to closer to land each passing year.  

Catch & Keep 4/per person  OPEN


Cobia is another fish that rank at the top of the charts for eating. They fight hard and are often spotted on the surface as they migrate to spawning grounds. Cobia loves to frequent offshore wrecks and is often easily tricked into taking a baited hook.  

Catch & Keep 1 per person  Open

Amberjack (Ajs)

Amberjacks are easily the largest sports fish we target on our charters. Ajs power deep and defy lifting, next to tuna there are no fish stronger than Ajs. Ajs swarm over reefs high in the water column and are easily caught on heavy sporting tackle. They rank mediocre as far as table fair goes yet make for one of the best sports fish to battle on rod n reel.  If you would like to catch & release some large Ajs tell your Capt so he can make arrangements to do so.  

closed until September


Sharks are available all year and come in many different species. We will not bring large sharks into the boat, they are far too dangerous. But we will take you on an epic adventure to let you battle with a large shark if requested. If catching a giant shark is something you would like to do on your trip please ask the Capt so he can bring the appropriate tackle to land these monsters.  


Gag Grouper

Gags like scamp are at the top of the charts for the table fair. Gags are structure-orientated fish that dart for cover as soon as they are hooked. Gag groupers are very strong in short bursts, the first 10 secs they are hooked it's critical to pull them from the structure or they will be gone. 


Dolphin (Mahi-Mahi)

One of the most fun fish in the Gulf to catch. The eat good and are incredible sportfish 

Open 10 per person open


Sheepshead season starts March-April. We use shrimp and craps to catch them. Book inshore trips for sheepsheads

8 per person limit  open

Spanish Mackerel

Delicious and fun to catch

Open 15 per person